pon., 01 lip
|Location details listed on Ticket
Monday 3p EST, April will hold space for you via Facebook Live! *It is through April, not from April. She is simply a messenger. Spirit will share what is for your best and highest good at this space in time. New Moon. New Beginnings. #SpiritPosse Location details listed on Ticket below.

Czas i lokalizacja
01 lip 2019, 15:00
Location details listed on Ticket
Live Oracle Card Reading
April will connect with you live at the link below Monday July 1, 2019 3pm EST www.facebook.com/psychicaprilroane *Oracle cards used consist of Spirit Guides, Angels, Power of Surrender, Soul’s Journey, Life Purpose and others. Oracle cards are a tool that April uses to receive more insight into the message that Spirit (your Guides, Angels and Loved One’s) wishes to convey to you. ❤️ All is of the highest truth, highest light, highest compassion, and highest love. Spirit knows. Always. 🙏
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