Pawtographs Parafest!
Sath 07 Márta
|Lakeside Resort Hotel and Center
Pawtographs for Pooches proudly returns to Houghton Lake, MI and we are raising money for Silver Muzzle Cottage in memory of Murray, the spokespooch of Pawtographs. This event will be filled with paranormal speakers, vendors of all sorts, lots of laughs, and there are sure to be tears!

Time & Location
07 Márta 2020, 10:00 – 20:00
Lakeside Resort Hotel and Center , 100 Clearview Dr, Houghton Lake, MI 48629, USA
About the event
Dustin Pari of Ghost Hunters fame headlines a Pawtographs event for a second time. Dustin is always a big hit at events, and I am certain he will bring his charisma, charm, and big heart to this one as well. For more information on Dustin please visit www.DustinPari.com
Scott Tepperman, formerly of Ghost Hunters International and most recently one half of Los Bastardz Production Company will make his third appearance on behalf of Pawtographs. Scott will talk about his time on the show and give us an inside look at what it takes to make a horror movie. Find out more at www.scott-tepperman.com
Tim Woolworth, founder of Paranormal Study and ITC Voices is an old veteran of Pawtographs events! So much so that I have lost count on how many times he has volunteered his time and talent for the animals! Tim is always a great hit when he speaks at these events and his topics range from Ghost Box technology, to an in-depth look at the history of EVPs. Please go visit Tim's websites for more info www.itcvoices.org and www.paranormalstudy.com
Chelsea Gill, a medium from upstate New York brings her unique balance of talent and compassion to her first Pawtographs appearance for a gallery reading that is free with admission. For more information on Chelsea visit www.psychicmediumchelseagill.com
April Roane and Braxton Roane make their second appearance at a Pawtographs event and we couldn't be more excited! This husband and wife team is quite the pair and will share stories for their experiences in the field and maybe April will even get a few more messages straight from Murray! No pressure April! For more information on readings with April please visit www.AprilRoane.com
John and Jackie Cassidy join us for this Pawtographs event and honestly this charity wouldn't be doing the things it does without the vision that they both had for it. I have lost count on how many events they appeared at, spoken at, emceed, or just bought a ticket for. John will be joining a panel discussion on animal spirits and maybe, just maybe we can coax Jackie up there too! For more information on John, Jackie, and their great event Little Traverse Bay Parafest, please visit www.ltbparafest.com
Deb and Arjay DeRousse join us for their 3rd Pawtographs event. Deb has been instrumental in bringing this event to Houghton Lake twice now! I cannot thank them enough for their friendship and love! Deb and Arjay will be joining the panel on animal spirits. For more information on their event please visit www.ufomicon.com
Tim Maile and Todd Arnold will start the show on Saturday with tales from their travels in the paranormal field, a learn from our mistakes approach to the lecture. Tim will also, of course, talk about the origins of Pawtographs for Pooches and there will be a special portion of the time dedicated to the memory of Tim's faithful boy Murray. None of us would be together for this weekend had Murray not walked into the room and stopped Tim from his suicide attempt in 2007. This weekend we honor the memory of Murray and the impact his legacy has on all of us! www.foxcitiesparanormalteam.com www.pawtographsforpooches.weebly.com