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RVA Paranormal Radio: LIVE Readings

Máirt 11 Lún


"We are having the beautiful, talented, energetic, and positive-vibe-sharing April Roane Psychic Medium on our stream this Tuesday at 8 PM! EST

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RVA Paranormal Radio: LIVE Readings
RVA Paranormal Radio: LIVE Readings

Time & Location

11 Lún 2020, 20:00 MAG-4

About the event

8/11/20 8p est. 

Guest: April Roane 

They are giving away a FREE reading with me! And I am doing free readings on air. See you there, #SpiritPosse! 

RVAP "Richmond Virginia Paranormal" was founded on the beliefs that while some things cannot be explained; the majority can. We feel that the division of the two is critical, both to our clients and to the field of paranormal investigation.

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