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Lesson 13- Spiritual Leadership: Leading From Within Series

Thu, May 20


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LESSON 13: Gifts of The Soul The weekly channeled 'pre-message' from Spirit for this week's lesson in leadership is below.

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Lesson 13- Spiritual Leadership: Leading From Within Series
Lesson 13- Spiritual Leadership: Leading From Within Series

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May 20, 2021, 8:00 PM – 9:05 PM CDT

Zoom link will be emailed once RSVP'd

About the event

Lesson 13 Channeled Message from Source: 

 Lesson 13: Gifts of The Soul

"How can you receive a gift from someone it is that you do not know? Leadership is about knowing the Source from which it is You flow. I am not foe. I am friend. I am your Source and I AM fierce IN love with you. And this is why I breathe life into your lungs at every moment of every day and every night even when it is not clear to you that you are breathing in life into the Being that you came here to be. You are. Effortless. I hold you. From the inside. Around. All. That is. All that was. And all. All that ever SHALL BE. Because of you. It has always been. You. You have gifts that are uniquely yours. They work through you because of who you are. They work with you when you work with them. When you trust in the Source that is you, you will be able to receive and 'use' these gifts in a way that only you can."    -God  


As the next lesson in April's leadership series, Spiritual Leadership: Leading From Within, Spirit reminds us that He is present. That She is present. That GOD is present. And it is time. It is time to breathe. To ease into the life that we KNOW we came here to live. It is time to lead. 

Lean Into 

Ease Into 


the Divine 

Your Source knows You. It is time that we listen. 

That we lean into instead of away from. 

That we ease into the love we KNOW we want to trust. 

That we allow change because we KNOW that change requires love. 

And that we remember that all of this is because we are lead to align with a Source that flows through us first. 

Life really is good. It is time that we allow this. 

Each week April holds space for Spirit / Source and together a lesson of love, guidance, and inspiration unfolds. 

Let Us Lead, Shall We? 

Thursdays 8p CST $20/ class

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